recently, i've been thinking a lot about commitment, priorities, and obligations. really, i've been thinking about overcommitment and over-obligation. college gets busy. time management becomes an essential survival skill. pretty soon you're wishing that you could clone yourself so that you could be in six places at once.
i completely understand this feeling. i've been there. well, really i'm still there, but not as much as i use to be. but, i realized that saying yes to more commitments wasn't doing anyone any favors. i had to learn to say no because my eggs were starting to turn out brown. (now you're thinking i'm crazy, but just hear me out). i was talking about this topic to someone recently. she affirmed my feelings and said, "if you dip your eggs in too many colors, they all turn out brown." that little idiom really resonated with me. not only does it express something that i don't want for my own life, but it explains how much of an impact people's priorities can have on a group, a relationship, or an effort.
i think that the time that we are living in encourages this over-obligated lifestyle. it is normal for people to take on more commitments than they really can handle. i think we all could use a reminder to slow down every once in a while and re-evaluate our priorities. after all, who wants their eggs to turn out brown?
Amen. A healthy balance between not being involved and being in everything. It has been really difficult to go from being in everything to being in nothing. I miss the community of friends and people that I love but I do not miss the "busy". I think we spend too much time being in this and involved with that and we forget to commit our wholeselves to something and we end up scattered and unfocused. In a way I think that Satan uses our scatter-brained minds to distract us from what we should be doing. I know i do not want my eggs to turn brown....
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